Germinate Cannabis seeds in 3 easy steps
For starting seeds indoors you need:
Cannabis Seeds
Plastic container with a lid or 2 plates
Paper towels
Water sprayer with clean water
Small cup or glass of water
From 12 hours to 7 days.
How to germinate Cannabis seeds – Paper towel germination method step by step.
For germinating, Cannabis seeds need high relative humidity, air, and water.
Step 1: Put your Cannabis seeds on a paper towel, inside a plastic container, or between two plates. This container must remain dark, warm, and humid at all times. Spray the paper towel with warm water and cover it with a lid or plate. Place your container in a warm dark place and leave it there.
Step 2: Open the container every few hours and spray it with water. Never let the napkins dry up or your seed won’t sprout. The napkin must stay moist, but not soaking wet.
Step 3: When the seed opens and shows tap root, plant it in a small cup. Use a fine growing medium (soil, peat moss, etc.) when you plant the germinated seed.